Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) aims to focus academic research efforts of UGC-funded universities on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong.
There are four designated research themes under the TRS. Under the four research themes, there are 20 grand challenge topics. The themes and grand challenge topics are as follows:
Theme 1: Understanding Diseases and Disease Prevention
1. Infectious Diseases
2. Understanding Disease Mechanisms to Improving Health
3. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
4. Disease Prevention and Management
Theme 2: Developing a Sustainable Environment
1. Water Pollution and Water Treatment
2. Sustainable Built Environment
3. Energy Efficiency, Conservation, Conversion and Harvesting
4. Air Quality
5. Food Production and Food Security
Theme 3: Enhancing Hong Kong’s Strategic Position as a Regional and International Business Centre
1. Hong Kong’s Future as an International Financial Centre
2. Promoting Hong Kong’s Business through Networking Capability
3. Promoting Hong Kong as a Centre of Excellence for Business Services
4. Innovation Ecology and Business Creation in Knowledge Economy
5. Financial Technologies (FinTech) and Regulatory Technologies (RegTech)
Theme 4: Advancing Emerging Research and Innovations Important to Hong Kong
1. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
2. Imaging, Robotics and Smart Manufacturing
3. Urban Infrastructure and Smart City
4. Education and Digital Citizenship
5. Quantum Technology
6. Integrated Circuits
Program Rundown
Professor Simon Ying-kit LAW (July 2022-Oct 2022)
Theme 1
Understanding Diseases and Disease Prevention
Professor Simon Ying-kit LAW (July 2022-Oct 2022)
Theme 2
Developing a Sustainable Environment
Theme 4
Advancing Emerging Research and Innovations Important to Hong Kong
Location Map